Controlling Remote Sessions

Sentinel RMS has the following behavior for applications accessed using remote sessions:

In the Case of Network Licensing

Sentinel RMS allows accessing the licensed application using remote sessions. This feature cannot be disabled, however, the total number of tokens used cannot exceed the hard limit specified in the license.

In the Case of Standalone Licensing

By default, remote access is not allowed for applications meant for standalone licensing. To modify this behavior you can:

>Unified API: Set the SNTL_ATTR_APPCONTEXT_CONTROL_REMOTE_SESSION attribute of the sntl_licensing_app_context_new API for setting the behaviour of applications accessed using remote sessions.

>Traditional API: Call the VLScontrolRemoteSession API function when integrating licensing calls into your application. Using this function, you can allow or prohibit the use of applications through remote sessions. Prior to RMS v8.5.1 for Windows, this check was limited to terminal clients only. After RMS v8.5.1, this check applies to Window RDP connections as well.